tuesdaytue – saturdaysat: 10:00h – 17:00h
sundaysun: 12:00h – 17:00h
Extra Opening Hours
Monday, April 21, 2025 (2e paasdag)
Monday, June 9, 2025 (2e pinksterdag)
Gudmundur Ludvik (1970) was born in Reykjavik, Iceland. In 1999 he moved to Copenhagen to continue his study and since then, Denmark has been his base. Ludvik’s background combines craftsmanship as well as arts and design. His roots are planted deeply in the Scandinavian tradition of craftsmanship. Ludvik grew up with it and worked as a carpenter and cabinet maker for several years before studying sculpture at the Icelandic Academy of Arts, and completed his formal education as a furniture designer at the Danish Design School in 2002.
Below an overview of all the furniture in our collection designed by Gudmundur Ludvik